Free Trees

About The Project

About the Project

This project is intended to restore nature and health on our common planet Earth, as a legacy for future generations. 

For almost 15 years, I have been planting tree seeds in various places on our planet, mainly in Central Europe. During this period, I planted many thousands of trees with my own hands. The trees I planted include summer oaks, winter oaks, various types of pines, beeches, lindens, and fruit trees such as pears, cherries, sour cherries, apple trees, plums, ash trees, and elms. Over time, I’ve observed that many species are thriving, and some are already producing their own offspring.


My primary focus is on summer oaks, winter oaks, and pine trees for a simple reason. Oaks act as significant water reservoirs and thrive in combination with pines, making them highly resistant to adverse effects like polluted air or climate changes. Additionally, oak trees produce valuable seeds (acorns) that serve as essential food for mammals like wild boars and various game species. These mammals further disperse the seeds in the wild, accelerating the afforestation process.

I’ve noticed that the areas where I planted seeds retain water for much longer, even during the dry season, compared to forests dominated by spruce monocultures. These areas also attract new species of insects, more birds, and small mammals, leading to a natural shift in the forest’s composition without further intervention.

In Central Europe, climate change and heavy air pollution have led to significant losses of forest stands, resulting in water shortages in many areas. There is a pressing need to consciously reforest these regions with a diverse mix of tree species.

Project Goal


Plant and restore mixed forests in Central Europe.


Create a balance between modern civilization and a healthy natural environment.


Recognize that a healthy environment contributes to a healthy civilization.

How It


1) Seed Collection

  • I collect seeds from healthy, ripe trees suitable for propagation. I carefully select healthy seeds, discarding any damaged or infested ones. I store suitable seeds in a dry environment for the following season or plant them immediately.

2) Selection of Suitable Planting Areas

  • I target areas where significant forest losses have occurred, intuitively identifying locations where these species are needed to maintain water and forest health. In areas where the forest is already healthy, I refrain from planting seeds, choosing instead to observe, learn, and listen.

3) Planting New Trees – Work Aids

  • I carry a wooden stick, approximately 40 cm long, as a tool for making holes in the soil for planting. Additionally, I use a waist-attached bag for easy access to tree seeds.

4) Planting Procedures

  • For acorns (oak seeds), I make a 2-3 cm hole in the ground using the pointy part of my stick. For beech trees, pine seeds and fruit trees, I make a hole of 1.5 cm. Then I insert the seed, carefully cover it with clay and lightly smother it. I plant oaks, beeches, pines at a distance of 9-12 meters from each other so the trees can form a sufficiently large crown. If the tree deems it appropriate to create additional shoots in this mentioned space, it can do so with its root system. For fruit trees, a distance of 9 meters is also very suitable. A big advantage of trees grown in this way with a rich crown is an equally extensive root system. As I mentioned earlier, it functions as a huge reservoir of water, among other things. And in periods of drought, it redistributes this water among the surrounding tree species in the forest.

5) Planting Timing

  • The great advantage of planting seeds is that it can be done anytime from spring to autumn. I also make sure that I plant them when I’m enthusiastic and joyful.

6) Non-Planting Times:

  • If I feel tired or it doesn’t seem like the right time, I refrain from planting seeds and choose to do it when I feel most inspired.

Tree Growth Without Fencing

Nature teaches us that it operates at its own pace. Some seeds sprout immediately, while others may take 3-4 years under ideal conditions. This results in different sizes of saplings. In some oaks, wildlife will bite through a part of the bark, but not all the way around. The remaining, unbitten part of the bark with the sap, further nourishes the tree without the tree dying. In this way, the „damaged“ part will heal again and the tree will become more resistant. It can also create protective branches in the form of spines in the traumatised area. This makes the tree unattractive to wildlife for further nibbling. The animal will find another target. Through this process, the tree becomes much more resistant to various „pests“. Trees that are not properly planted, or the location is not suitable, are simply eaten by animals, or the seeds do not germinate. This preserves natural selection.

,,A wise man is like water. Water does not compete with anyone but benefits everything.”- Lao-c‘


After 15 years of this work, I’ve realized

that as an individual, I can accomplish a lot, but with your cooperation and support, we can achieve even more. Together, we can restore the Earth’s health and leave future generations with an Earth in better condition than we inherited.  We all have a responsibility as temporary stewards of the Earth to maintain or improve its condition. Our main mission is to focus on this collective goal.

Something About Me

I was born in the Czech Republic, where I also graduated from the Faculty of Medicine with a specialization in Stomatology. I worked as a dentist for 11 years and managed my own dental practice for 7 of those years. During this time, I treated many thousands of patients and gained invaluable and enriching experiences. Throughout this period, and for several years prior, I studied trees and simultaneously volunteered to plant them from seeds. This served as a form of relaxation, meditation, and ongoing study for me, all while recognizing the importance of this endeavour. This knowledge continues to guide me to this day.

Three years ago, I made the decision to sell my dental practice and fully commit to the Free Trees project. Through this initiative, I aim to contribute to the restoration of the planet’s health, which encompasses all living beings.


To maximize the development and implementation of this project, I need your assistance. This support can be in the form of financial donations and contributions.

Additionally, your personal commitment to tree planting is invaluable. Without your financial backing and active involvement, I cannot fully realize this project. By endorsing this endeavor, you become co-creators of change on our shared planet, our common mother Earth.

The objective is to rejuvenate the Earth, fostering a symbiotic relationship between nature and human society.

If this project resonates with you as it does with me, then you are in the right place at the right time.

Act according to your discretion.

With heartfelt sincerity and a vision of civilization harmoniously flourishing,

Dr Miroslav Renak

Any donation
Account Nr: 2402759457 / 2010
IBAN: CZ37 2010 0000 0024 0275 9457


I would like to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt thanks to everyone who has accompanied, supported, and assisted me on this journey. I am extremely grateful to each one of you.

With respect and a warm heart,
Miroslav Reňák

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